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Fraudsters and Empty Properties

Empty properties are at a much higher risk of being susceptible to property fraud.

Fraudsters will often take advantage of the fact that a property is unoccupied and may use forged identity documents to alter the ownership of the property and to take control of the ownership. Your property can be used for identity fraud, applying for credit cards, loans etc., in other people’s names having stolen their personal details. The occurrence of this type of fraud has been rising.

In a recent case, a fraudster took control of a property and sold it on to an unsuspecting buyer. The real owner, who did not reside at the property, only became aware of what was happening when neighbours alerted them to the works of alteration that were being carried out to the premises, by which time the fraudster was nowhere to be found.

Leaving a property empty?

If you leave a property empty, or if you own a residential property but do not live in it, it is advisable that you take action to minimise your risk of property fraud. 

You are at risk if

  • the property is empty;
  • the property is not mortgaged;
  • you rent out your property;
  • you live overseas;
  • your identity has previously been stolen;
  • the property is not registered with HM Land Registry.

Steps you can take to minimise risk

There are a few simple steps that can be taken to protect your property.

You can register the property at the Land Registry, by using a anti-fraud restriction on the title of the property, if you think you could be at risk. This means that you can stop HM Land Registry registering a sale or mortgage on your property unless a solicitor or conveyancer certifies that the application has been made by you. You can apply to enter a restriction whether you own the property privately or in a business name.

Download the request for restriction form

If the property is registered, you can sign up with the Land Registry to be alerted if someone applies to change the register of your property, for example, if someone tries to use your property fraudulently for a mortgage.

This service will not block any changes to the register, but it will alert you if something does change so that you can act.  You can get alerts for up to 10 properties and there is no fee.

You should also make sure that the Land Registry has up to date contact details recorded for you and the property.

If the property is unregistered apply for the title to be registered at the Land Registry.

If you have any more questions or would like further information you should contact the property fraud line on 0300 006 7030 (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm) or contact them via email. Also report any activities to the Royal Mail so they can monitor your mail.

Members of the public should inform their bank of any concerns and ask them to monitor their accounts for any suspicious activity. Consider perhaps registering with the Cifas Protective Registration Service. Another option is to run personal credit checks, several companies provide this service including Experian.

Find out more about Protective Registration

Find out more about Identity Theft

Some additional advice regarding fraud can be found below: