Route to market – Procurement
If procurement is identified by the commissioner as the route to market a range of supporting documents and guidance are available on the Council’s intranet. http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ FCS/Pro/default.aspx
Procurement advice, support and guidance can be sought by contacting the Corporate Procurement Team:
- Corporate Team –
- Places Team –
- People Team –
- Performance and Compliance –
Full details on existing contracts can be found on the Council’s Contracts Register published in the following location. Tenders and contracts – Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
Different procurement processes have different timescales, and these should be considered in all forward planning of activity, considering, exit, transition and mobilising new contracts. For example, a full tender process with multiple suppliers can take many months and sometimes over a year or more. A procurement under a framework that has already been established may be delivered in a few weeks. The relevant commissioner should contact procurement in your planning to understand the timescales that may be applicable to your procurement.
A procurement options paper forms part of the supporting documents for the Business Case. Corporate Procurement will work in partnership with the Commissioner to support with the development of the Business Case and considered the most appropriate route to market. http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/FCS/Pro/SitePages/Useful%20Forms.aspx
Potential procurement options may include:
- Undertake a Call-Off from a third-party Framework Agreement or Dynamic Purchasing System
- Undertake a formal tender which is advertised to the open market, through the Council’s e-tendering portal and on Contracts Finder/ UK e-notification service
- Exemption
All procurement activity should be undertaken in compliance with the Financial and Procurement Procedure Rules which form part of the Councils Constitution. aspx?CId=1128&MId=14954&Ver=4&info=1&MD=Constitution