Identifying Needs and Priorities
A Needs Analysis is a process that provides a profile of a local community and its future needs. It considers the economic, social and environmental needs of local residents and businesses and can cover demographic trends, inequalities, experiences and expectations, supply and demand of services, gaps and priorities. A Needs Analysis is a vital first step in developing a targeted approach that maximises the social value produced to be delivered in the area.
The commissioning and procuring of services may be created:
- as a result of change in national or local strategic direction
- to respond to increased/reduced demand
- as a result of change in law
- to reduce costs and increase efficiency
- to address quality issues
- as a result of development in technology
- to address inequality issues
- simply because the existing contract is reaching its full term
To establish the need commissioners and procurers will need to consider:
- Local, regional and national context
- Quantitative analysis
- Qualitative analysis
- Analysis of existing provision
- Gap analysis
In addition to the core purpose of the commissioning/procurement strategy it is important to establish what wider strategic priorities the Council has agreed. Whilst the Council has set out priorities in the Rotherham Social Value - Themes Outcomes and Measures (TOMs):; there are a range of overarching policies and strategy documents which will help to identify the wider priorities for the Council which are relevant to achieving social value.
Priorities set out in the Council’s key plans and strategies will guide commissioners and providers to target areas where they can choose to align their social value commitment to increase positive impact.
For example:
- providing new community facilities,
- support positive outcomes to be achieved in social issues,
- promote wellbeing of the community or the local economy,
- creating more jobs and
- developing disability services
A range of key documents (though not exhaustive) which indicate to the commissioner and provider the local need and priorities are identified below:
- Rotherham Council Plan
- Rotherham Directorate Service Plans http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/SitePages/ServicePlans.aspx
- Rotherham Ward Plans
- Rotherham Economic Growth Plan
- Rotherham Housing Strategy
- Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy and%20Wellbeing%20Strategy.%20Designed%20version.%20FINAL.pdf
- Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
- Rotherham Digital Strategy
- Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan March%202020.pdf
- Adult Care - Market Position Statement *
- Director of Public Health Annual Report *
- Unpaid Carers Strategy *
* Documents available via a search on the Rotherham Council website