Commissioner’s support and collaboration
To have greater impact social value needs to become fully embedded in organisational strategy, culture, processes and decision making. It needs to become business as usual, embedded in the language, culture, processes, systems and policy to ensure creative ambitions are fully realised.
Watch this space
Over the coming months a repository for information sharing is proposed. This will be developed to build on the importance of networking between commissioners/providers and will generate ‘ideas for good’, innovation, creativity and be recorded in a repository i.e.,
- Drop Box
- Suggestion Box
- Key Contacts List
- Top Tips (see below examples)
- Case Studies (Link to Case Studies TBC)
Support to promote a stronger connection with the charitable sector which commissioners working on capital/infrastructure projects requested.
Ideas – ‘quick wins’ – i.e., how does the Council use the window of opportunity - spare materials/ resources available a quick win would be - Painting lines – school play area could be achieved quickly but we would need to know it was required.
A mechanism for charities to have a two way communication site/portal to request support/offer assistance.
Support with issues such as:
- Projects with substantial capital spend are often very short – i.e., repairs to kerbs but relatively high value – providers don’t get the time to deliver TOMs commitment
- Promotion of the Circular Economy – i.e. – earth removed (building land) – aggregate which could be re-used in for example improve charitable organisation to fill holes – level out shared space (Carbon Reduction)
- Circular Economy - E-Waste – some charities want to recycle used computer hardware (Carbon Reduction – reduce Toxic Waste/exported toxic waste) – assist with learning/ accessing technology for disadvantaged groups
- Material Waste – i.e., Street Furniture that needs removing may be useful to a school/charity
Top Tips
Use the sources of information available to learn more about social value and learn from the work others have already done.
- Take advantage of free, online tools and guidance
- Involve others – staff, volunteers and the people who benefit from the activities and services you provide
- Work to agree and develop your outcomes and how you can measure them with your stakeholders
- Review your outcomes and measurement processes
- Seek and plan steps for improvement
- Work with commissioners and funders to secure social value
- Think local – when making changes consider how they will impact on the wider community and whether there is potential to make decisions that will benefit others
- Ensure measurement is proportional – don’t let your work on social value take you away from service delivery
- Develop your partnerships and networks
- Start small and develop your approach over time
- Celebrate your achievements and the social value you are creating
- Communicate your social value
Any Questions?
A series of frequently asked questions has been prepared in anticipation of further queries.
Please refer to the FAQ in each section which may give you the answer to your query.
If you have any further questions not answered in this document and FAQ’s, please send your query to:
We aim to respond to your query within 48 business hours and we may add the query (anonymised) to the FAQ section.
Key organisations
E3M is an initiative that supports a group of leaders from the largest and most successful UK social enterprises that trade in public service markets. It is supported by partners to provide expertise and to share knowledge about the key ingredients for successful social enterprise growth.
LGA achieving-community-benefits
Office of National Statistics socialcapitalintheuk/2020
EU Commission - Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
Voluntary Action Rotherham (VAR)
- Network and Voice
- Adult Consortium
Social Enterprise Exchange
Social Enterprise Exchange is a project designed to offer a comprehensive programme of support for social enterprise in Sheffield City Region.
Sheffield City Region
Rotherham investment Development Organisation
Sheffield Hallam University
As a leading applied research centre, Centre for Regional and Economic Social Research (CRESR) seeks to understand the impact of social and economic disadvantage on places and people, and to assess and inform the policies and interventions targeted at these issues.
Rotherham Federation
Rotherham Tenant and Residents Association TARAs and Community Groups
Yorkshire and Humber Climate Commission
Key documents
Local Government Association Co-Production
- Commissioning Tool:
- Co-production glossary:
Rotherham MBC - Equality Assessment http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/PIP/Pages/EqualitiesAndDiversity.aspx
The Rotherham Compact
Rotherham Economic Growth Plan 2015 -25
Rotherham Council Plan
Rotherham Directorate Service Plans http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/SitePages/ServicePlans.aspx
Rotherham Ward Plans
Rotherham Economic Growth Plan
Rotherham Housing Strategy
Rotherham Health and Wellbeing Strategy and%20Wellbeing%20Strategy.%20Designed%20version.%20FINAL.pdf
Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Rotherham Digital Strategy
Rotherham Integrated Health and Social Care Place Plan March%202020.pdf
Key documents - Children & Young People’s Services
Early Help Strategy: http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/other/Shared%20Documents/Early%20Help%20 Strategy.pdf
Looked After Children Sufficiency Strategy http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/other/Shared%20Documents/LAC%20 Sufficiency%20Strategy.pdf
SEND Joint Commissioning Strategy http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/PoliciesStrategies/Rotherham%20Joint%20 Commissioning%20Strategy%202020-23.pdf
A Strategy to Tackle and Prevent Child Exploitation http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/other/Shared%20Documents/A%20Strategy%20 to%20Tackle%20and%20Prevent%20Child%20Exploitation.pdf
Joint Commissioning Strategy for Children and Young People http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/other/Shared%20Documents/Joint%20 Commissioning%20Strategy%20for%20Children%20and%20Young%20People.pdf
Looked After Children and Care Leavers Strategy After%20Children%20and%20Care%20Leavers%20Strategy%202017-20.pdf
Rotherham SEND Strategy http://rmbcintranet/Directorates/ACE/KPSP/PoliciesStrategies/Rotherham%20SEND%20 Strategy.pdf
Capital Projects – Further reading ICE, Maximising Social Value from Infrastructure Projects infrastructure_projects_v1.1.pdf
NIC, Design Principles for National Infrastructure
NIC, National Infrastructure Assessment
NIC, Value of Design in Infrastructure Delivery Value-of-Design_double.pdf
Institute of Economic Development, From the Ground Up – Improving the delivery of Social Value in Construction construction/
Social Value UK, Front and Centre – Putting Social Value at the Heart of Inclusive Growth
Mace, Social Value – Underpinning our Legacy
Mott MacDonald, Building Socially Inclusive Outcomes
UK Green Building Council, Social Value in New Development
Supply Chain Sustainability School, Social Value and Design of the Built Environment
Social Value Portal, Integrating social value in planning
ACE, Measures for successful outcomes: the five capitals approach
UN Sustainable Development Goals
Key links
LinkedIn - #Social Value
The Co-operative Councils’ Innovation Network is a non-party-political active hub for cooperative policy development, innovation and advocacy
The Government’s policy to promote localism provides an impetus and opportunity for local authorities to explore new models for delivering services.
Case studies are available @ Bovaird. (2007). Beyond Engagement and Participation: User and Community Coproduction of Public Services. Public Administration Review, 67(5), 846– 860.
Erridge, & Greer, J. (2002). Partnerships and public procurement: building social capital through supply relations. Public Administration (London), 80(3), 503–522.
https://doi. org/10.1111/1467-9299.00315