Social Value Toolkit

Monitoring the delivery of social value in the contract and provider relationship

Contract Management plays a key role in the commissioning and procurement process as it ensures that the goods, services and/or works delivered by providers reflect commissioning intentions. Contract monitoring and supplier relationship includes activity including the measuring of achievements against Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s), communication, dispute processes, financial controls, reporting, and contract exit strategy development.

Similarly measuring the success of implementing social value and achieving social benefits is determined by the monitoring mechanisms that are put in place by the Council. There should be continual creation of social value over the lifetime of the contract. The effectiveness of social value interventions and achievement of desired outcomes will be monitored and measured.

Providers are contractually obliged to submit evidence of progress against their commitments to the Social Value Portal. Evidence must be measurable and quantifiable and is shared with contract management. Effective contract management undertaken by the relevant contract manager to ensure achievements of social value commitments is happening is undertaken by contract management teams in the respective directorates/departments.

Where performance against social value commitments falls short of expectation during the delivery phase the consequent action to be undertaken will be outlined clearly in the contract terms. Actions will be proportionate in the context of the environment i.e., pandemic, timeliness, type of service i.e., a critical service where termination of a perfectly good service providing essential care and support and termination will negatively impact on the wellbeing of an individual or a group of individuals.


Q Who monitors the TOMs/who monitors the performance?
A The Social Value Portal provide contract management support to the Council and dedicated contract manager. Performance monitoring and reports will be submitted to the contract manager by the Social Value Portal. The contract manager is required to address social value as part of contract reviews and ongoing contract management activity.

Q Will emergency response (i.e., pandemic) be considered as a barrier for providers to achieving social value TOMS moving forward?
A Bidders are required to deliver positive social value outcomes for Rotherham, and this may include consideration of the impact of emergency situations now and going forward.