Whiston Brook Flood Alleviation Scheme


As a part of the planning application, we are carrying out ecological and environmental assessments on the proposed locations and have taken into consideration keeping as many of the existing trees and ecology features, to minimise loss of existing habitats and biodiversity. 

Biodiversity Net Gain

Through our scheme, we are aiming for a 10% increase in biodiversity within Whiston, in other words a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) of 10%.

In order to ensure we reach this goal we are currently conducting surveys to identify the state of habitats currently in Whiston.

We will then ensure we are creating more or better-quality habitats as part of the works, while also reinstating habitats which will be lost to enable the works. This will deliver overall benefits to wildlife.

Habitat creation would include:

  • Hedgerow and tree planting
  • Re-meandering Whiston Brook which will create additional length of the watercourse

Enhancement options would include:

  • Seeding the grassland within the area to improve species diversity
  • Re-naturalising Whiston Brook
  • Infill planting of hedgerows  

Visual Impacts

As part of our Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA), we will assess the potential impacts of the scheme on the landscape. This will take into consideration people in the area that may have views of the scheme.

A landscape masterplan will be created which will detail the ways in which we are reducing any impacts of the scheme on the landscape. This will include landscape planting proposals as well as habitat reinstatement, creation and enhancement.