Paying for care if you are not in a care home
The Council may assess you as needing care outside of a care home, like care in your own home, day care, or direct payments. This is called non-residential care. We will offer you a financial assessment to work out how much you will pay towards these services.
If you have capital (e.g., savings or investments) over £23,250 and have been assessed as a full-fee payer, you will pay the full cost of your care.
How much will you have to pay?
The amount you will have to pay will depend on your financial situation and the amount and type of care you need. We will include any income you get from your pensions and benefits, as well as your savings and investments. We will ask you about your household bills and disability-related spending.
The value of the home you live in is not included when we calculate the amount you will have to pay for non-residential care. We will consider other assets you may have, including second properties, holiday homes, and businesses.
We will offer you a welfare benefits check to make sure you are receiving all the benefits you may be entitled to.
If you don’t want to tell us about your finances, you don’t have to. We will assume you are able to pay the care homes fees yourself.
You should always seek independent financial advice about your options for paying for your care and support needs.
If your circumstances change
If your circumstances change you should contact us, as we might have to do another financial assessment.
If you have deliberately given away any money or property to avoid paying for care and support, this is known as Deprivation of Assets. We may treat you as still having the assets.
Find out more about deprivation of assets on Age UK
How to pay your care charges for non-residential services
By Direct Debit every four weeks
To set up a direct debit, please call 01709 823955
By internet
Pay online using a debit or credit card, quoting your Client Account Reference.
By telephone
- Call 0300 456 2723 and select option 7 to use the automated telephone line using a debit or credit card. You will need to quote your Client Account Reference.
- You can also call 01709 823955 between the hours of 8.30am to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.
By bank transfer to the Council’s bank account
- Sort Code: 60-18-02
- Account Number: 14733080
Please quote your Client Account Reference when making the payment.
By PayPoint
You can pay free of charge at any Post Office or shop displaying the PayPoint Logo. Scan the barcode on the front of your invoice to make the payment. Please keep the receipt as proof of payment. It can take up to 5 working days for the payment to show on your account.
- A full list of PayPoint outlets can be found at PayPoint
- A full list of Post Offices can be found at Branch Finder | Post Office
By Post
You can pay by sending a cheque to:
Rotherham Metropolitan Borough CouncilRevenue and Payments
Team Floor 3 Wing C
Riverside House
Main Street
S60 1AE
Please write Your Client Account Reference and ‘Payment for Adult Care’ on the back of the cheque.