Paying for care in a care home
If you have been assessed as having needs that require a care home (residential care), we will offer you a financial assessment to work out how much you will pay. This will depend on your financial situation and the type of care you need.
Read the national Care Act guidance
If you own a property and go into a care home permanently, this will be taken into account depending on the circumstances and who lives there.
If you don’t want to tell us about your finances, you don’t have to. We will assume you are able to pay the care homes fees yourself.
You should always seek independent financial advice about your options for paying for your care and support needs.
If your circumstances change
If your circumstances change you should contact us, as we might have to do another financial assessment.
If you have deliberately given away any money or property to avoid paying for care and support, this is known as Deprivation of Assets. We may treat you as still having the assets.
Find out more about deprivation of assets on Age UK
How to pay care home fees
Usually, you will receive an invoice from the care home for the amount that you have to pay. If you are living in a Council-owned care home, you will pay the Council instead. We will send you a letter explaining your contribution and how to pay it.
From 1 April 2024, the maximum weekly contributions are below.
Private care home:
- Residential Care £653
- Residential Dementia Care £681
- Nursing Care £715*
- Nursing Dementia Care £793*
*These rates do not include the Funded Nursing Care (FNC) rate of £235.88 per week from 1 April 2024.
Rotherham Council care home:
- £708.30 for residential care / residential EMI care
You will always be left with a weekly amount for your own use called a Personal Allowance. This amounts to £30.15 per week. This amount is set by the Government.
The amount you pay is worked out using a national set of rules. The Council will pay the difference between your contribution and the fee for your place in the home, so long as the home doesn't charge more than we expect to pay.