Paying for your care

Cost of care

Currently if you have more than £23,250 in savings you will have to pay the full cost of care at a charge of £19.40 per hour, up to a maximum of £653 per week

If you have less than £23,250, or your savings drop under this amount, you can be financially assessed based on your income and savings. Charges vary depending on the amount of care being received and financial circumstances.

If you choose not to have a financial assessment you will have to pay the full cost of the care services which you receive.

Non Residential Charging Policy

Home Care

  • £19.40 per hour up to a maximum of £653 per week (subject to financial assessment)
  • In some circumstances care enablement maybe free for up to six weeks, dependent upon the outcome of your needs and financial assessment

Day Care

  • Meal charges are variable
  • Care charge £36.60 per day
  • Transport flat rate £6.30 per journey


  • £182 per year
  • Flat rate £3.50 per week
  • We will supply and fit the community alarm free of charge.


  • Free

Blue Car badge

  • Flat rate £10 per badge

Contact the Adult Social Care Team

To find out more about adult social care services, request an assessment, or make an enquiry, please get in touch.

Telephone: 01709 822330