Your Council Tax Guide

How This Year's Budget Compares to Last Year's Budget

Budget 2024/25   Budget 2025/26
Gross spending £m Income £m Net spending £m   Gross spending £m Income £m Net spending £m
494.22 180.11 314.11 Council Services 539.27 192.43 346.85
10.59 0 10.59 South Yorkshire Mayoral Combined Authority Transport Levy 11.07 0 11.07
1.35 0 1.35 Other Levies etc. 1.06 0 1.06
506.16 180.11 326.05 Cost of services 551.40 192.43 358.98
Non Council Tax Borne Services
104.7 104.7 0 Housing 107.3 107.3 0
610.86 284.81 326.05 RMBC Total Expenditure 658.67 299.70 358.98