Your Council Tax Guide

How We Worked Out Your Council Tax

  2024/25 £'m 2025/26 £'m Amount for each person in 2025/26 (based on population of 271,195)
The Councils Net Revenue Budget 326.054 358.978 1,323.69
Business Rate Top Up and other Grants 37.464 38.109 140.52
RSG 18.824 19.347 71.34
Public Health Grant 18.142 19.420 71.61
Other Government Grants 57.624 83.807 309.03
Retained Business Rates 58.657 57.613 212.44
Collection Fund Surplus 3.000 3.000 11.06
Total Funding 193.711 221.296 816.00
Council Tax Requirement (£m) 132.343 137.682 507.69
Council Tax Base for Rotherham Council 72,871 73,602  
BAND D EQUIVALENT RMBC (£) 1,816.15 1,870.63  
South Yorkshire Mayoral Police and Crime Commissioner Precept (£)
18,293,410 19,507,493 71.93
BAND D EQUIVALENT SPCC (£) 251.04 265.04  
South Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Authority (£)
6,197,636 6,627,866 24.44
BAND D EQUIVALENT SYFRA (£) 85.05 90.05  
GRAND TOTAL BAND D EQUIVALENT (£) 2,152.24 2,225.72