Your Council Tax Guide

Why The Council's Budget Has Changed Between 2024/25 And 2025/26

Explanation of the change in the Council's Revenue Budget £m
RMBC Net Budget requirement for 2024/25 326.05
Increase in gross expenditure for Council Tax borne services 45.24
Increase in Income -12.32
RMBC Net Budget requirement for 2025/26 358.98
Increase in Net Budget requirement 32.93
Increase in net core resources (Local Taxation and Government Grant) -32.93
The reason for the increase in the Net Council Budget are shown below £m
Inflation and cost pressures 15.58
Investments in Adult Social Care 17.00
Investment in key services 2.87
Budget savings and efficiencies -7.50
Budget contingency and reserves strategy 4.98
Change 32.93