How the Council Spends Its Net Revenue Budget in 2025/26
Directorate | £m |
Adult Care, Housing and Public Health | 135.908 |
Children and Young People's Service | 68.752 |
Regeneration and Environment Services | 48.651 |
Finance and Customer Services | 35.066 |
Assistant Chief Executive's | 8.301 |
Central Services | 62.300 |
Total Net Budget | 358.978 |
The proposed Central Services budget (£62.3m) shown in the table above includes the following key budgets and provisions:
- Levies – Integrated Transport Authority, Coroners, Environment Agency, Apprentice (£13.5m)
- Capital Financing (£26.6m)
- PFI Grants (cr £3.8m)
- Inflation provision for pay, price and fees and charges, (£18.4m).